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Batman Dracula

(See also: Mark Lancaster interview)

Mark Lancaster was cast in Batman Dracula when he arrived at the Factory one afternoon when they happened to be shooting it. Pop Artist Richard Hamilton had told Mark, who was originally from Yorkshire, to look up Andy when Mark was going to New York. Andy had met Hamilton at a party for a Marcel Duchamp exhibition which Andy and his entourage had attended in Pasadena while in Los Angeles for Andy’s exhibition at the Ferus Gallery.

When Mark arrived, Andy was sitting on the couch with cast members, Jack Smith, Billy Name and dancer Rufus Collins. Ondine, Gerard Malanga, Jane Holzer and Naomi Levine were darting around, “looking very busy and excited.” Andy asked Mark if he wanted to be in their movie and he said, "sure", then everybody started undressing “molding silver foil jockstraps around their underwear.” After the filming Mark started coming by the Factory every afternoon and began to help Andy to stretch paintings. (POP70/71)

David Bourdon was also in Batman Dracula. Warhol had met David in the fifties “through a mutual friend who did the Bonwit Teller windows. David wrote art criticism (this was before he worked for the Village Voice and long before he worked for Life) and we both [Andy and David] collected art” and “were soon going around to art galleries together.” (POP19/20)

In Batman Dracula, the “four human bedposts holding the canopy up over Naomi’s bed were David, Sam Green, the art dealer, along with Mario Montez and Gregory Battcock, the art and film critic [who appears in a sailor suit]... The filming went on for months." (POP32)


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